Artist Statement:
When given this zine assignment there was a lot of freedom to do whatever we wanted to do. I went back and forth because honestly the broader the rules, the harder the time I have deciding what to do. I started to narrow down my focus and focus on my love for nature. I wanted nature to be my base and then something on top of that. It is hard to articulate what the other element I landed on was but it was something along the lines of trippy or psychedelic versions of nature. I wanted the pictures to go along the positive elements of the act of being with nature and the peace and serenity that comes along with that. As well as that also make a couple of jokes around the idea of nature. This is where the “So Granola” page comes from. Through this zine I hope it gives the reader a mindless trip through nature scenes or feelings that are altered in some way. So without a large and deep meaning it was fun to play around with images and messages while trying to keep the reader’s mind light and easy. I hope this zine came across in the way I intended it to.
