This reading was based on the John Cage debut and message of “4,33”. This was a concert made by John Cage where he sat at a piano and did not play it for four minutes and 33 seconds. That was the entirety of the concert. This was simply a statement that has held a controversy since its debut in 1952. Some people see it as an enormous leap in music progression and some see it as simply not in any realm of music at all and almost an insult to the music industry. John Cage’s point in this concert experience is to bring attention to the fact that all noise is music. This is the very core point of the controversy. How progressive people interpreted 4’33 is that the old constrained rules of what was at the time music were not what actually makes music. It reframed the idea of the definition of music. This was during the classical music era where classical music was the only definition of music. With the idea that ordinary sounds can make music it changes the entirety of how music is understood and enjoyed. In my personal opinion I believe that this statement was important but I do not know if I would qualify it as music. I think qualifying it as music back then was important in the progression of music however I don’t know if it fits in my personal definition of music. John Cage’s performance was important though for many reasons and should fully be a landmark in music history.
